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Our Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

All contributing members are required fulfil the following:


1.       To donate £5.00 a month or £60.00 a year per person. If the household is composed of a couple (i.e. husband and wife), they will be required to donate £10.00 a month or £120.00 a year.

2.       For any additional family member aged over 18 years and above living at the same address with parents or guardians, an additional contribution of £60 per year is required.[i]

3.       If contributing member has migrated away from the country permanently, automatically he/she ceases to be a member.

4.       If contributing member passes away while out of county but still in the UK, bereavement funds will still be responsible for his/her funeral.

5.       If the body must be transported back to the county, the bereavement funds will be responsible for the full cost of the burial.

6.       If the body must be buried where the deceased passed away, bereavement fund will only pay the funeral cost for up to the amount which it normally costs to conduct the same burial in Northamptonshire, any extra cost above these are to be covered for by the family members/ next of kin.

7.       If contributing member dies whilst abroad, bereavement fund will provide funds towards the funeral through his/her relatives as this fund has been saved specifically towards this purpose by the deceased.

8.       Amount will be determined after obtaining overall costs and expenditures from relatives.

9.       The terms and conditions may be reviewed and subject to change; from time to time, contributing members will be notified of the changes prior to any change takes effect

10.     Contributing members are required to regularly update personal information if there are any changes in household, contact information etc.


[i] Additional family member can be parents, grandparents, children, foster children

Abu Hurayrah (Radhiya Allaahu `Anhu) narrated I heard the Prophet of Allaah (Swalla’Allaahu alayhi wa Sallam) saying “The rights of the Muslim on the Muslims are to follow the funeral processions, to accept invitation and to reply the sneezer” (Sahih Al- Bukhaary, 023: 332)

Al-Iman Society of Northamptonshire

Society of Northamptonshire, Based in Northampton Mosque and Islamic Centre, 72 Clare St, NN1 3JA


Phone: 07961 284919

Registered Charity: 1117020

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