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Who May Join?

To become a contributing member of Al-Iman Funeral and Bereavement scheme Fund:

  • You must be a resident of Northamptonshire or neighbouring Districts

  • You must be at least 18 years old.

  • You must complete an application form together with your first annual contribution.

  • You will be required to fill in details of all family members living in the same household.

  • You will be required to fill in a standing order form.[2]

  • Once membership is accepted, you will be provided with a reference number for future references.

  • [2] Contributions are only acceptable via direct debit or standing order mandate.

Abu Hurayrah (Radhiya Allaahu `Anhu) narrated I heard the Prophet of Allaah (Swalla’Allaahu alayhi wa Sallam) saying “The rights of the Muslim on the Muslims are to follow the funeral processions, to accept invitation and to reply the sneezer” (Sahih Al- Bukhaary, 023: 332)

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